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Here are the items you've told me are most important to you:


Growth is the biggest issue facing Mapleton. I plan to review  growth proposals  from a strategic, responsible manner in a way that preserves the Mapleton ‘look and feel.’ 

Some would like to see growth halt entirely; others fill every square inch. Let’s strike a balance that supports strategic growth while maintaining open space in our community. I’m not a land developer, instead a business owner. I can add a helpful perspective. 


If elected, I will work with the mayor and council to further explore several objectives related to growth including: 

Road Safety

Water Challenges

Diversify City Revenue Sources


  • I grow business revenues by focusing on people and systems and will do the same for Mapleton.
  • As a council member I will:
    • Approach challenges from a collaborative standpoint and look for win-win solutions. 
    • Look for a Return on Investment (ROI). 
    • Review the data to objectively guide decisions.
    • Incorporate thoughtful insights from community members.
    • Make decisions as a dad first for the future of Mapleton kids.

My Pledge

  • Prepare for and attend all city council meetings. 
  • Listen and evaluate all sides of each issue.
  • Vote in a way that matches my values.
  • Communicate the results as broadly as possible. 
  • Be a trustworthy and respectable representative of Mapleton.